Thursday, 26 March 2015

Get Familiar with Gigi Fash of DEJEANYUS.

 New York City based fashion designer Gigi Fash  the CEO of  Djeanyus, is a world renowned fashion designer specializing in hand making custom made denim jeans since 2006. Gigi fash also specializes in making and designing women's dresses as well as mens tailored shirts and garments. She has been featured in several magazines such as Munaluchi bridal', YRB, Indian ICE and all saints to name a few. Gigi Fash is a talented,  hard working, ambitious woman who has set high standards and goals for herself. And with her efforts and consistency she is sure to rise to the top and remain there. See more of her collections below.

 Facebook:: Djeanyus
Instagram: @Djeanyus
Twitter:      @Djeanyus

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